Reflex Portland

Reflex Knee Specialists offers non-surgical knee joint treatments for patients in Portland, OR. Staffed by skilled medical professionals, we are well-equipped to treat various causes of chronic knee pain and related conditions. Our advanced ultrasound technology ensures the source of the pain is definitively identified before we recommend a minimally invasive solution.

We understand how chronic knee pain can dramatically impact your quality of life. With so much contradictory information out there, it can be difficult for people to know what is the best course to follow in overcoming knee pain and getting back to a more active lifestyle. The mission of the Reflex Knee Specialists team is “To Save and Protect as Many Knees as Possible.” Specifically, to help people avoid unnecessary and invasive knee surgeries and to provide treatments that protect cartilage and improve the overall joint health and longevity. Total Knee Replacement surgery is not inevitable and can be postponed or avoided altogether with non-surgical treatments.


Schedule an evaluation with Reflex Knee Specialists of Portland, OR today and learn how healthy your knees are, if there is cartilage damage present (which can be present without any symptoms), and ways to improve and maintain joint health over the long term. Our team of medical providers and physical therapists is passionate about helping people break out of vicious pain cycles and get back to the activities they enjoy.

10250 SW Greenburg Rd, Suite 115
Portland, OR 97223

Hours of Operation
Monday– Friday: 9AM – 5PM

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Through a comprehensive knee evaluation, our specialists help patients address a variety of issues and make informed decisions. For cutting-edge knee care contact us today!